ESTO payments


Don’t want to pay the whole amount at once? Pay in installments!

ESTO hire-purchase is the fastest and most convenient payment solution that helps you set up a payment schedule based on the period of your choice. The payment solution makes the decision in real time and you can complete your purchase in less than 60 seconds.

Add the products you need to your shopping cart, confirm your order and choose ESTO hire-purchase as a payment method. When confirming your purchase, select your preferred repayment period, monthly installment amount and sign digitally and conveniently using your ID card, Smart ID or Mobile ID.

⦁ All citizens of the Republic of Estonia aged between 18 and 70 can apply for an ESTO hire-purchase
⦁ ESTO hire-purchase can be signed quickly and conveniently for legal entities.
⦁ ESTO hire-purchase is offered and managed by ESTO AS.

Attention! Before signing the contract, carefully read the terms of the proposed contract and, if necessary, consult with an employee of ESTO AS or another specialist. ESTO AS loan annual percentage rate is 23.63% under the following example conditions: loan amount 1490 euros, cost of goods/services 1490 euros, down payment 0%, fixed interest rate 11.90%, contract fee 0 euros, total amount loan and repayment of 1844.64 euros, subject to repayment of the loan within 24 months, in equal monthly instalments of 76.86 euros. Before concluding the contract, read the terms and conditions and, if necessary, consult with a specialist. The hire purchase service is offered and regulated by ESTO AS.


ESTO 3 is a new generation of payment method that allows you to pay conveniently and quickly – in three equal installments, with no extra fees!

Choose the most popular ESTO 3-part payment method at the checkout to pay for your purchases!

ESTO 3 helps you split your purchase easily into 3 equal parts, with 0€ interest and 0€ extra fees!.

⦁ No extra charges
⦁ Just three equal payments over a period of three months.
⦁ The first payment is always on the next month

Pay Later

Be smart and choose ESTO Pay Later to pay for your purchases!

Confirm your purchase with just a few clicks and pay back without any extra cost. ESTO Pay Later is a smart way for people to pay – get your goods now and pay back on a flexible repayment schedule.

Get exactly what you need with just a few clicks – no interest, no surcharge and no deposit.

Pay Later payment method is provided and managed by ESTO AS.

ESTO is a financial services company that dates back to 2016 and was born out of the need for a new generation of payment solutions, suitable for both the end consumer and the merchant. Today ESTO offers the widest range of payment solutions in the Baltics and has a partner network of more than 2600 partners and stores and over 300,000 customers.

Contact ESTO AS employee – or LIVE chat

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Juveelitoodete hoolduse meelespea

Et ehted säiliksid paremini , tuleks lähtuda mõnedest lihtsatest reeglitest.

Kividega ehteid tuleks kanda ettevaatlikult, sest mõned kivid võivad ollal küllatki haprad. Ouline on ehteid õigesti hoida ja hooldada. Nii tuleks näiteks ehteid õigeaegselt neile kogunenud mustusest puhastada.

Teemantide igapäevane hooldus

  • Teatud sorti kemikaalid majapidamistöödel võivad kahjustada teemante, mistõttu soovitame majapidamistööde ajaks ehted ära panna.
  • Ehtige end alati pärast meigi tegemist ja juuste hooldust.
  • Kohelge kõiki teemante habrastena. Kuigi teemant võib karmides tingimustes vastu pidada, siis kivide kinnitused ise on tehtud väärismetallist ehk teisisõnu pehmetest metallidest. Samuti on teemandid haprad igasugustele rasketele löökidele.

Teemantide kandmine igapäevaselt

  • Majapidamistöödel ja igasugusel füüsilisel tegevusel eemaldada ehted kätelt.
  • Enne magamaminekut soovitame ehted ära võtta.
  • Hoidke ehteid eemal alkoholist, kosmeetikast, ammoniaagist, kloorist ja teistest söövitavatest ainetest.
  • Hoidke ehteid hoiustades neid kas originaalses pakendis või ehetekarbis.

Teemantide hoiustamine

  • Ehted kriimustuvad, kui nad puutuvad kokku teineteisega. Teemandid on ühed kõige tugevamatest mineraalidest, mis tähendab, et nad võivad teiste pehmete materjalidega kokkupuutudes neid kriimustada.
  • Kaela- ja käeketid peaks asetama eraldi tasapinnaliselt karpi või ehtelaekasse, et ketid omavahel sõlme ei läheks.

Teemantide puhastamine

  • Ehete hoolduseks ja puhastamiseks on meil erinevad puhastusvahendid, millega saab taastada ehete välimust ja sära.
  • Teemantide puhastamiseks kasutage väikest harja ja ehete puhastusvahendit.